Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby Has Lots Of Phlegm Baby Have Sound Like Phlegm?

Baby have sound like phlegm? - baby has lots of phlegm

I have a baby, that is 2.5 MTH old. It seems a lot of mucus. To say hjer PD, milk is due to return flows.

Yesterday nite, it seems to trouble falling asleep are similar to mucus is very serious, as adults have a block nose.

I wonder if it caught a cold and stuffy nose. If Staight "honest" is, is very serious and keep kicking, and could not sleep. If your line, she fell asleep, but the sound seems to be better.

I also try to be with her when she is feeling better, but once it moves back to the distance between the headrest and route sound.

I just found out if it is cold, and what you should see a doctor or just the milk flow. What should I do?


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